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6.0 變調 (Tone Sandhi)

白話字毎一個字單獨念時它的音不變, 但和其他字一起時它的音會變.
這種變音對於夲土台灣人並不覺得, 但對於不會説台灣話的人比較困難, 還好有規則可循.

Every single Taiwanese word has its fixed tone but the tone will change when connected with other words.
Native Taiwanese speakers won't have any problem on tone changes but for non-Taiwanese speakers it presents a challenge to them.
Luckily there are rules to follow to do tone change.

6.1 一般變音 (General Tone Sandhi)

當二個字以上連結念出時, 最後一個字不變音, 其他字照下列圖表所示變音.
When reading two or more adjacent words, the last word does not change its tone
but the rest of the words change tones according to the figure shown below.


6.1.1 第一音變為第七音 (The First Tone Changes to the Seventh Tone)

比如(阿公) 二字都是第一音, 但是二字一起念出時, 念成, kong 仍然念 kong.
For an example,(Grandpa) both words are first tones, but when reading them together, becomesand kong has no change. 第一音變為第七音例句 (Examples of the First Tone Changes to the Seventh Tone)
Words Change Tone Final Word Definition Words Change Tone Final Word Definition
―> water melon 西瓜 ―>
hair drier
―> banana 香蕉 ―> winter 冬天
―> humble 謙卑 ―>
Sun Yat-sen

6.1.2 第二音變為第一音 (The Second Tone Changes to the First Tone)

比如(早早) 二字都是第二音, 但是二字一起念出時, 第一個 念成, 第二個chá仍然念chá.
For an example,(early) both words are second tones, but when reading them together, the first becomesand the second chá has no change. 第二音變為第一音例句 (Examples of the Second Tone Changes to the First Tone)
Words Change Tone Final Word Definition Words Change Tone Final Word Definition
―> mosquito 蚊子 ―>
long grain rice
―> procure 採購 ―> sea wave 海浪
―> still 仍然 ―>
fruit wine

6.1.3 第三音變為第二音 (The Third Tone Changes to the Second Tone)

比如(愛睏) 二字都是第三音, 但是二字一起念出時, 念成, kò͘ 仍然念kò͘.
For an example,(sleepy) both words are third tones, but when reading them together, becomesand kò͘  has no change. 第三音變為第二音例句 (Examples of the Third Tone Changes to the Second Tone)
Words Change Tone Final Word Definition Words Change Tone Final Word Definition
―> evidence 証據 ―>
treasurer's office
―> envy 嫉妒 ―> clean out 清掃
―> lose 遺失 ―>
railway or highway running the length of Taiwan

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