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直接點選字母或字來聽發音.(Click the alphabet or word to hear the pronunciation.)

3.0 鼻音 (Nasal Sounds)

3.1 長鼻音有n記號 (Long Nasal Sounds with Superscript n )
Note: For the beginner to sound correctly, try to pinch the nose when producing the nasal sounds.

3.1.1 長鼻音有n記號單字例句 (Examples of Long Nasal Sounds with Superscript n Vocabularies)
Word Definition Word Definition Word Definition Word Definition
three 三 sky 天 baby boy男嬰 ginger薑
move 搬 to close 關 elder brother阿兄 hill 山

3.2 長鼻音無n記號 (Long Nasal Sounds without Superscript n )

3.2.1 長鼻音無n記號單字例句 (Examples of Long Nasal Sounds without Superscript n Vocabularies)
Word Definition Word Definition Word Definition Word Definition
greedy 貪 east 東 fresh 新鮮 sour 酸
drink 飲 milk 奶 anus 肛門 time 光陰

3.3 鼻音綜合練習(Recap of Nasal Sounds)

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