[回首頁HOME]       Tustin 台灣基督長老教會 (TTPC)    白話字課程 (Learning Taiwanese)   
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2.0 子音 (Consonants)

註(Note): 子音不能單獨發音在此加上i來發音(Consonants cannot produce sounds by themselves. For practice, add vowel i to produce sounds in this lesson)

2.1 子音第一組 (Consonants Group 1)
*Denotes that "Ts", "Tsh", "ts", or "tsh" has the same pronunciation as "Ch", "Chh", "ch", or "chh" respectively.

2.1.1 子音第一組加母音練習(Exercise of pronouncing group 1 consonants with vowels together)

2.1.2 子音第一組例句 (Examples of Consonants Group 1 Vocabularies)    ͘
Word Definition Word Definition Word Definition Word DefinitionWord Definition
Dad 阿爸 grieving 悲哀 a letter 信 Grandpa 阿公 foot 脚
scissor 剪刀 spider 蜘蛛 wind 風 pearl 珍珠 deep 深
aunt 阿姑 elder brother阿哥 light 輕 bee 蜂 pig 豬
soup 湯 male 男人 swallow 呑 search 搜 dull 鈍
cup 杯 board 木板 ice 冰 ditch 溝 knife 刀

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