[回首頁HOME]       Tustin 台灣基督長老教會 (TTPC)    台語聖經册名發音 (Pronunciation of Taiwanese Bible Names)   
直接點選台語羅馬字來聽發音.(Click the Taiwanese Roman characters to hear the pronunciation.)

1.0 引言 (Introduction)

英國宣教師巴克禮在他晩年完成ê台語羅馬字聖經是給台灣人最寶貴ê禮物. 這本白話字台語聖經不僅保持接近原文也保留台灣ê語言. 百年後台灣雖然受到北京話ê衝撃使很多年青台灣人不會説台語. 讀這本巴克禮台語羅馬字聖經就會將遺失ê台灣話找回來.實在是一舉雙得.
Thomas Barclay, a missionary from the Great Britan, completed the Taiwanese Romanized Bible during his later years before his death was the most precious gift given to the the Taiwanese people. This Taiwanese bible not only remians close to the original Bible Hebrew and Greek text but also preserves the Taiwanese language. After more than a hundred years, suffering from the influence of the Mandarin language, many Tawanese young generation lose the ability to speak Taiwanese. By reading this Barclay's Taiwanese Romanized Bible, you can find the lost Taiwanese language. It is really a stone for two birds benefit.

聖經有66本册. 其中舊約有39本新約有27本.讀者可直接點選底下台語羅馬字聖經册名來聽發音. 想學台語羅馬字發音可回首頁選"學白話字" 網頁來學.
The Bible has 66 books, 39 of Old Testament and 29 New Testament. Reader can click the following Romanized Taiwanese Bible book names to hear the pronunciation. He or she can go back to the home page and select "Learn POJ" tab to learn the Taiwanese pronunciation.

2.0 舊約册名 (Old Testament books)

Taiwanese Name English/Chinese Name Taiwanese Name English/Chinese Name Taiwanese Name English/Chinese Name
Genesis 創世記 Exodus 出埃及記 Leviticus 利未記
Numbers 民數記 Deuteronomy 申命記 Joshua 約書亞記
Judges 士師記 Ruth 路得記 1 Samuel 撒母耳記上
2 Samuel 撒母耳記下 1 Kings 列王紀上 2 Kings 列王紀下
1 Chronicles 歴代志上 2 Chronicles 歴代志下 Ezra 以斯拉記
Neheniah 尼希米記 Esther 以斯帖記 Job 約伯記
Psalms 詩篇 Proverbs 箴言 Ecclestastes 傳道書
Song of Songs 雅歌 Isaiah 以賽亞書 Jeremiah 耶利米書
Lamentations 耶利米哀歌 Ezekiel 以西結書 Daniel 但以理書
Hosea 何西阿書 Joel 約珥書 Amos 阿摩司書
Obadiah 俄巴底亞書 Jonah 約拿書 Micah 彌迦書
Nahum 那鴻書 Habakkuk 哈巴谷書 Zephaniah 西番雅書
Haggai 哈該書 Zechariah 撒迦利亞書 Malachi 瑪拉基書

3.0 新約册名 (New Testament books)

Taiwanese Name English/Chinese Name Taiwanese Name English/Chinese Name Taiwanese Name English/Chinese Name
Matthew 馬太福音 Mark 馬可福音 Luke 路加福音
John 約翰福音 Acts 使徒行傳 Romans 羅馬書
1 Corinthians 哥林多前書 2 Corinthians 哥林多後書 Galatians 加拉太書
Ephesians 以弗所書 Philippians 腓立比書 Colossians 歌羅西書
1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書 2 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦後書 1 Timothy 提摩太前書
2 Timothy 提摩太後書 Titus 提多書 Philemon 腓利門書
Hebrews 希伯來書 James 雅各書 1 Peter 彼得前書
2 Peter 彼得後書 1 John 約翰一書 2 John 約翰二書
3 John 約翰三書 Jude 猶大書 Revelation 啟示録

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